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Pack Of 16 Tins

Formulated with 5 different herbs including the Kanna, Ashwagandharishta, Balarishta, Patrangasava and Drakshasava. I-Charge delivers alertness, stress relief, maintains good eyesight, digestive, long sustainable energy, now you may have long lasting energy.

Availability: In stock


  • The body & mind react to any stress factor wherein brain and nervous system became intensely active during stress and may lead to altered metabolism. Hormones such as adrenaline are released into system along with glucose from Liver. In Modern era, there are various challenges to health like stress leading to anxiety, depression, insomnia and related disorders. Persistent stress can lead to altered autonomic nervous drive which is root cause of stress related ailments. Stress is basic elements of various human diseases and mental illness. Stress is a term that refers to the sum of the physical, mental, and emotional strains or tensions on a person. Stress is the wear and tear our mind and body experiences as we attempt to cope with our continually changing environment. Stress is also called as anxiety, tension etc depending on the circumstances.


  • Psychosocial stressor is defined as “any life event or life change that may be associated temporally with the onset, occurrence, or exacerbation of a mental disorder. Feelings of stress in humans result from interactions between persons and their environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their well-being. The element of perception indicates that human stress responses reflect differences in personality as well as differences in physical strength or health.


  • i-Charge is formulated with a unique holistic approach with a mouth-watering taste. The driving force behind i-Charge is Kanna. Botanically identified as Sceletium tortuosum , Kanna was usually chewed, or used as a snuff or even smoked for its potential benefits like relaxation, alertness, calmness, stabilizes the mood and a mild feeling of euphoria.
  • i-Charge has numerous effects on the body. It gives you instant energy and also provides long lasting energy up to 6-8 hours, it improves alertness, memory, stress and chronic fatigue. Well known for its stimulatory properties, infuses the user with instant energy and activeness while providing immunity against routine lethargy, aches and muscular pains.


  • It is a natural rejuvenator, Non-habit forming with no risk of addiction even when used for longer periods. i- Charge also has a unique holistic combination of evidence based traditional formulations of Ashvagandharishta, Balarishta and Drakshasava. In addition to this, i-Charge is Caffeine free and sugar free. This exceptional combination is best known for its Adaptogenic benefits for calming nerves and easing agitation while it effectively increases physical and psychological stress threshold and rejuvenates the whole body.
Weight 2 kg


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